How Cyclones Are Named

Cyclones are named sequentially, column-wise, with each cyclone given the name immediately below that of the previous one. Once the bottom of the column is reached, the sequence moves to the top of the next column. The naming of cyclones is done by countries on a rotational basis, following certain existing guidelines. Once a cyclonic system develops and meets specific criteria, it is named based on the predetermined list. The name assigned to the cyclone remains the same throughout its lifetime, even if it intensifies or weakens.

Here's an outline for your article:

1. Introduction
2. What are cyclones?
3. Why are cyclones named?
4. Who names cyclones?
5. How are cyclones named?
6. Naming conventions for different regions
7. History of naming conventions
8. Controversies surrounding naming conventions
9. Conclusion
10. List of websites that discuss How Cyclones Are Named

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