What Are The Three Goals Of Cybersecurity?

What Are The Three Goals Of Cybersecurity? written

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computer systems and networks from digital attacks, theft, damage or unauthorized access. It is important to ensure that digital information is safeguarded from unwanted threats and damages. There are three main goals of cybersecurity which are confidentiality, integrity and availability. These goals aim to protect digital information from unauthorized access, theft, damage or other malicious actions.

Confidentiality is the first goal of cybersecurity. It refers to the protection of sensitive information from unauthorized access or disclosure. Confidentiality ensures that only authorized users have access to sensitive data. This goal is achieved by implementing security measures such as encryption, access controls and firewalls.

The second goal of cybersecurity is integrity. Integrity refers to the protection of data from unauthorized modification or deletion. This goal ensures that data remains accurate and reliable. Integrity is achieved by implementing security measures such as backups, checksums and digital signatures.

The third goal of cybersecurity is availability. Availability refers to the protection of data from unauthorized denial of service attacks or other malicious actions that could prevent authorized users from accessing data when needed. This goal ensures that data is available when needed by authorized users.

In conclusion, cybersecurity has three main goals which are confidentiality, integrity and availability. These goals aim to protect digital information from unauthorized access, theft, damage or other malicious actions. By implementing security measures such as encryption, access controls and firewalls for confidentiality; backups, checksums and digital signatures for integrity; and denial of service prevention measures for availability; we can ensure that our digital information remains safe and secure.

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